Volvo EX30 Case Study
Most EV spots focus on the car, the tech in the car, or the people driving the car. Rarely, I realized, do they focus on how EV's positively impact Nature.
So I "hired" David Attenborough to narrate a mockumentary about Sweden's legendary white moose and waited until halfway through the commercial to introduce Volvo's new EV. It's a commercial playing dress-up as a documentary.
As research I watched an hour-long moose documentary, skimmed through Volvo's climate commitment, and learned a lot more about electric cars than I ever thought I would.
My biggest discovery? 30 seconds is not a lot of time when David Attenborough is narrating your commercial.
Oh, and here's that moose documentary.
:30 "Another Marvel"
:15 "Another Marvel"
:30 "Only 100 Left"
:15 "Only 100 Left"
The videos are choppy for sure, I wanted a more obvious metaphor between the car/moose (there wasn't nearly enough Legendary White Moose footage (here) to play with), but I worked in most things I aimed for. 1) Pacing of a Nature documentary 2) Volvo's climate commitment 3) Making the car stand out using an unrelated narrative 5) Avoiding financial details about the car....