June 2021. George Clooney begins work on a specialized high school to build a pipeline between historically underrepresented students and the entertainment industry.
13 months later, Roybal Film and Television Magnet welcomed its first cohort.
It was a project I joined too late and left too early, but during that brief moment I delivered a series of print assets.
The Partners
The Advisory Board
The designs should be mantel the school wanted to strive for - the quality of the brand is reflected in the quality of the students's work. One elevates the other and vise-versa.
The school got the attention of some large media companies.
A few weeks later, I received a call asking if I would like to design marketing materials for the student recruitment events they were planning. They needed them finished in 2 weeks.
I said yes... of course.
The Open House
On September 14, 2022, Roybal held its inaugural open house. I flew back to L.A. so I could attend.
I also went bowling that night.
36 hours later I was home.
It was a wonderful epilogue to a wonderful summer.